Sunday, September 24, 2006

Constructing Worlds Stage 2 continued......

So my group Team Brownies decided we would all work with the Einstein's Dreams story on page 22. Writing 5 different scenarios about our respective boxes in this environment.

Here is the synopsis of the story we choose:

1. Time flows more slowly the farther from the center of earth you are. Thus people decided to live on the mountains or built their houses on stilts to get even higher, noone lives on the ground. When the people do come down they work at an increased pace in order to get back up to the mountians quicker. There are some people who don't care and stay on the ground for days at a time, but these people are scoffed at. In the end my favorite line in this story is "At length, the populace have become thin like the air bony, old before their time." This is my favorite line because the people become what they are fighting against regardless, actually making it worst for themselves by living in the mountains. Pgs. 22-24

To make sure I understood all the rules of the world I wrote down a list of what I felt was unique in this world.

Here is the list:

1. No houses can be seen in the valleys or plains.

2. Everyone lives in the mountains.

3. Time flows more slowly the farther from the center of the earth.

4. People anxious to stay young moved to the mountains.

5. Impossible to sell living quarters else where.

6. Many are not content to just live on a mountian, to obtain maximum effect they construct their houses on stilts.

7. Mountains tops all over the world are nested with such houses which from a distance looks like a flock of fat birds dquatting on long skinny legs.

8. People eager to live the longest built their houses on the highest stilts.

9. Some houses rise half a mile high on their spindly wooden legs.

10. Height is status.

11. They celebrate their youth in their mirrors and walk naked on their balconies.

12. Urgent business forces people to come down, hurrying from their houses quickly, doing what is needed and hurrying back to their homes.

13. People at ground level never sit they run.

14. A small number of residents have stopped caring whether they age faster than their neighbors.

15. These people come to the lower world for days at a time, lounge under trees, swim in lakes at warmer altitudes, and roll on ground level.

16. They hardly look at their watches, and can't even tell you the day.

17. Others rush by them and scoff, they just smile.

18. People have forgotten why higher is better, but they continue to live on mountains.

19. They tolerate the cold of the mountains by habit enjoy discomfort as part of their breeding.

20. They are convinced that thin air is good for their bodies, even have put themselves on sparce diets.

21. Thus the populace has become thin like air, bony, old before their time.

Next My 5 Scenarios!


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