Sunday, September 24, 2006

Constructing Worlds Stage 2 cont. Scenario 2


Beauty and youth go hand in hand and this world thrives on it. In this world people believe the higher you live the younger and the more beautiful you will be. People here live not on the ground but in the mountains and in the trees if they could they would each live on a leave. Instead they try to reach even higher heights and build houses on stilts.

Sandy loves life. She loves the cold air against here skin. She doesn’t know what it is like to be warm she has been cold since she was born. That is great to her and the rest of the world because the cold keeps there skin tight and in turn keeps them even younger and beautiful.

In this world no one comes down to the ground level it is strictly forbidden, but that is not needed because no one wants to go. They use bridges built connecting houses to houses and house to mountains to travel around. Most of the time though there is no one who goes outside of their house. They can’t find the time to.

Sandy just like everyone else sits in their rooms all day living on sparse diets and admiring their beauty within their elaborate spinning 4 sided mirrors.

The mirror has a bright light in the middle that highlights each side you turn it to bringing out the beauty in your face. The front side of the mirror is clear and allows you to see your face in normal size. The left side of the mirror is white an allows you to see your face magnified at 2 twice the size, great for women applying make up or a man who wanted to shave. The right side is made of white pattern fabric which allows you to pass through the mirror to change the light when it blows out or to see your whole body view in the clear front side. Lastly, you have the blue side of the mirror located on the back which allows you to see yourself however you desire. If you want to be a princess you can be, a millionaire just ask and the mirror will show you what you wish.

You are right if you guessed that most people stare into this side all day and all night in awe of what they could be but they stare so long they begin to believe that is who they are never spinning the mirror to the clear side to face reality. Sandy loves the blue side too, she loves to picture herself as a beautiful and wealthy mother. She sees herself with her riches and her husband and children by her side.

Unfortunately, for her tonight, her bulb of the exquisite mirror blew out causing her to have to spin the mirror and enter into the fabric side. As she changed the bulb she never noticed or refused to notice her real image. The frail and thin woman, the women who is now slightly hunching over. The woman who has no children, who has no husband. The face that is full of wrinkles and sagging skin. That woman does not exist, this 50 year old woman doesn’t exist. All that exist in her mind and in Sandy’s world is the woman in her 30's in the blue mirror staring at her youth and beauty into the morning light.


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