Sunday, September 24, 2006

Constructing Worlds Stage 2 cont. Scenario 3


Winter and his wife Emily were sitting by the fireplace, he was reading his children Marsha and David a bedtime story. Usually you would think bedtime stories would be best told in while the children were in bed, but not in this world.

In a world were houses never touch the because they are built on stilts and mountains comes the sacrifice of an everlasting cold. Air that is so frigid that it is rumored to frost even the warmest of hearts.

Winter and Emily make this sacrifice to stay young. They want to age slower and if they live high up they provide their children with the same opportunity as well also allowing them extra time to savor their children’s youth.

Their children sometimes complain about how their little toes are red or feel as if they are about to break off, but Winter and Emily know they will understand as they get older the benefits of this sacrifice they know they will thank them for it.

They understand their children are just children after all so they accommodate for them by buying a fireplace. The inhabitants of house equipped with fireplaces are considered weak in this world of cold and frost because only the most young and strong can withstand the utter cold.

Winter and Emily will not be like the others though and refuse there children warmth to find them frozen in their beds when the morn arrives. So every night at the fireplace they warm their children to sleep with the orange rays, light intensified by its beautiful 4 sided case.

Each side is different from the other, the front is clear allowing you to focus upon the rays of the light, and heats your body the fastest with direct heat. The left side is white allowing you to have diffused light and decreases the intensity of heat. The right side is made of fabric with a pattern that has openings allowing you to add things for the light to burn to keep it going. Then there is the blue side which allows you to change the color of the light in order to lesson the appearance of a fireplace in your house so your reputation can be saved.

Winter and his wife Emily don’t care what the other think and keep the fireplace turned on the clear side. They would rather not have the fireplace at all but they prefer their children alive and so each day until they can do without it, the fireplace will be lit and a story will be read until there child fall asleep and can be put in there icy beds.


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