Sunday, September 24, 2006

Constructing Worlds Stage 2 cont. Scenario 4


Mr. Johnson is the youngest man in town. He lives about 10 miles up in the sky, his house on stilts some people think he can fly. He is the president of the world his status matters. Thus why he is living in the highest built house ever. Others live high too some on mountains other on stilts as well.

Each mile down is a new set of people working themselves down in order of priority. We have government officials, then we have the governor, then the mayor, then the police, then the firemen. We can keep going and going and going until we reach the ground the unfortunate people who have to live really far down. Every once in a while a woad of spit hits someone on the head, from someone getting bored above they said. They don’t care they are better than you and me, Mr. Johnson makes sure everyone knows their place in society.

The farthest down Mr. Johnson ever goes is to see the governor because any lower then that he is afraid he will never get back. The real shame are the people who live below the ground that is were the criminals who were punished are now found.

Luckily, for Mr. Johnson he rarely has to leave his house, he is the president everything usually comes to him. People don’t mind either to get a glimpse at the presidents house is an honor because if you live so far below you may never get that opportunity.

Mr. Johnson’s house equipped with central lighting in the center, blue glass in the north, clear glass on the roof and south, white glass on the west, fabric on the east and an onyx foundation is what every person in the world aspires after. They want a house like the presidents house, they want to be the president. Unfortunately, that will take a really long time his house speaks of his status, his house speaks of his youth, with its height and its unique look he won’t be growing old anytime soon. The people around him can bare to look.


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