Sunday, September 24, 2006

Constructing Worlds Stage 2 cont. Scenario 5


At night they carry lights below. Lights in 6 sided boxes with hooks on the top, as they walk they swing bop ba de bop. On the top and the front it is made of clear glass you see the light bulb as they pass. On the left side it is made of white glass to diffuse the light in their eyes as sleep laying on the grass. On the right it is made of fabric with beautiful patterns to keep bored children amused with dancing shadows on trees that escape the lantern. On the bottom there is the black case which allows you to open the lantern and replace the bulb if it breaks.

As the little child Sarah stares down below from her house high on stilts in her window. She wonders why everyone cannot be on the ground why must she be one of the ones who suffer why can’t she go down.

Her parents tell her she should not say such things, that the people who play below are fools but she can’t help but want to stop and play with them, even when her parents tell her to walk past quickly as she goes to school.

“Slowing down will make you age fast and living on the ground will too”, her parents say. “You want to stay young Sarah dear, young like we do.” Sarah on the other hand could not care less what would a 10 year old child care about looking her best. All she wanted was to have fun and play. When night time came and she saw all the children and their parents with their lanterns sway, she could not help but pout in dismay.

“One day I will have a lantern too.” Sarah said. “One day I won’t have to always feel so cold as if I were dead. I will have a lantern to swing in the night, I will lay on the grass, play and be warmed by the light. I don’t care about being younger and living in the mountains or on stilts.”

“I just want to live a life happy playing below, I don’t care how fast the time around me flows.”


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