Monday, November 20, 2006

Next Steps for Megumi's Multiplayer Melee

I would like the next step for this project to begin over the break by analyzing more live multiplayer experiences. I am interested in capturing the peak of social interaction between players. So avenues I may take are:

  • Family play spades during holiday break record interaction between them
  • Playboard games
  • I would like to attend another NYCLAN event and get more footage of actual peak of social interaction
  • What is interaction like between players on online games? get footage of that.
  • Finally make a video collage
Lastly think about how I can take a simple card game and change the dynamics of the game slightly to encourage even more social interaction between players. Prepare for user testing.

Think about persona and scenario ideas more throughly. Two persona ideas I have thought briefly about are:

  • A hardworking male, top player in halo, finds relief from stress of work playing this multiplayer casual game.
  • Female player passes herself off as a bad gamer because she loves to trick other male players into believing that see sucks to see their reactions when she beats them.
Current precedent ideas are:

Multitris www.

Halo 2

Research or discover more precedents

Lastly, Think about building my project with Torgue Gamebulider, I want to combine my C++ project of making a simple game called snake and just add the functionality of it being multiplayer to the project.


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