Sketches and Precedents
Here are some sample images of what we are trying to achieve. The two images shown are from the video game Tekken 5. They show what it would be like if spectators had the ability to send comments to the screen realtime while players play, or send voice messages.


Contestants sing there heart out on stage and are commented on by the judges, but the real judges are the audience. They determine whether a contestant will be the next idol or the next flop.

The Rocky Horror Picutre Show is a science fiction-comedy-horror musical film. The film was based on O'Brien's long-running stage production The Rocky Horror Show. The movie is a cult hit, that continues to play weekly at many theaters,usually at midnight. Fans often attend dressed as characters from the film, they shout responses to the characters statements on the screen. These mostly include melodramatic abuse of the characters or actors, vulgar sex jokes, puns, or pop culture references. Other audience participation includes dancing the Time Warp, throwing toast, water, toilet paper, hot dogs, underwear, and rice at the appropriate points in the movie. More Info here.
I found a site which has a host of audience participation games.
Some I found interesting where called No P and Day in the life.
No P
Players play a scene (perhaps based on an audience suggestion) but they cannot use the letter 'P' (or any other letter). When a player uses a 'P', the audience screams 'Die' and the player is replaced by another on. The scene continues, and the new player needs to take over the character of the player he replaces.
Day in the life
The MC picks a member of the audience and interviews this person about their average (work) day. Questions asked may include 'What is your job?", "Where do you live, with who?", "What are your hobbies?", "How do you get to work?", "Who are your colleagues?", and more. The players then improvise a day in the life of this audience member, based on the elements provided by the interview.
For more games check out the site here.
I think "Theater of the Oppressed" and "Love Connection" are two other precedents related to audience participation, although they are quite different in nature.
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