Mapping out Social Dynamics Between Gamers and Spectators
In the typical arcade environment, the interaction between spectators and gamers is passive. The spectators appear to be hypnotized by the action on the screen that the gamers are actively playing.
As seen in the diagram, one could draw a barrier that separates the active engagement of the gamers from the passive viewing of the spectators. Perhaps the spectators may chat from time to time, but for the most part, they remain fixated on the game while the game is being played.
With our interface, we wish to change this observed pattern of behavior. We wish to make the spectators more involved with the gaming experience.

Not only would we like the spectators to engage with each other, but we would also like to increase their presence within the gameplay of the gamers. Perhaps the level of activity would not be the same as the gamers, themselves, but the gamers should palpably feel the presence of the spectators in a manner that goes beyond the sensation of being watched.
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